Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy

Type of information collected through the Web site Personal Information

Users registering at the Rotary(Skyline) Business Network are requested to provide some personally identifiable information which becomes the property of Rotary(Skyline) Business Network and can be shared, disclosed or distributed to third parties only in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Use and Disclosure of personal information

Rotary(Skyline) Business Network will not sell or rent such personally identifiable information collected. The personally identifiable information is supplied voluntarily for some of the following purposes.

Choice OR opt out

Rotary(Skyline) Business Network gives you the choice regarding the collection and usage of your personally identifiable information. During registration for “joining our mailing list,” we request for contact information in order to send bulletins and for advertising purposes.

Security Practices

Rotary(Skyline) Business Network has implemented stringent, internationally acceptable standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction.

Contact Information

For questions regarding the privacy statement, practices of the site, or any other transaction issue, please contact rbnapplication@gmail.com.

We are very sensitive to children's privacy. If you come to know that your child has given wrong age information on Rotary(Skyline) Business Network, please contact rbnapplication@gmail.com to remove such data.